
Showing posts from December, 2023

365 days- 365 super powers

DAY 1 If I can have a super power, I will wish to have the ability to speak to animals. Because I want to know something, especially about how they fight, what  they will call the other one when angry. The way they console when someone is sad.How they name the loved ones. How they play with their children. How the gatherings look like. And do they make jokes and laugh. And most importantly what they think about humans. Do they think we are selfish. Or as giants with no mercy. I want to know these. I want to have a chitchat with every creature. DAY 2  If I can have a super power I will choose the ability to read the person's mind in front of me. Also I wish to communicate through mind voices with my favourite people. Sometimes it is very necessary while gossiping with my besties and sister about someone near and around😂. Also reading someone's mind will give me an idea of how they think about me and I can act accordingly 🙃. DAY 3 If I can have a superpower I will rather wish t