So I don't know how to share, but those 9 days were gem for sure. First of all it taught me a lot more lessons ๐Ÿ˜‚both good and bad and also some skills to manage bizarre situations. We started our trip by train and it was the beginning. This was my longest trip ever. I always  thought that I'm not fit  enough to travel to diverse climate, as I'm that immune ๐Ÿ™ƒ. But this was a good one.

The beginning, I still remember a large backpack with lots of things in it and to my pride I can say I'm a moving first aid box ๐Ÿ˜Œ. Anything anytime any situation there is a solution. It starts from the tablets, syrups ,vapour rubs to ginger, sugar, salt etc... so I was well prepared. 

I'm not sure whether I am sharing this in the correct order, but I will try. The start of our journey was fun. We played cards and that is when something cringe happened. One strange guy came and he took a seat beside us, who were playing. Then he began to interfere in our game. With no prior relation he said, he wanted to play. Then we gave him a chance but that was the beginning. He was a 'girirajan' and he took the deck of  cards and began to lead the game of his own. So our brave friend Nived stood up and let him go out ๐Ÿ˜‚. It wasn't Nived alone, but there was  another person too. I hardly remember the other one.  Okay those who read this and remember the other guy, please do comment ๐Ÿ˜.Yes it was Rakesh.

Then the dinner was good. Everyone brought a lot of items to eat ๐Ÿ˜. As food is an emotion, there was Gow and Vis with a bag full of snacks. It resembled the whole snack portion of a bakery. I think it was 916. Do correct me if I am wrong ๐Ÿ˜‚. So my food was ' meen vattichathu and choru' ๐Ÿ˜‹. We shared and ate happily. Sharing is also an emotion, when it comes to food๐Ÿ˜‚ kidding, but I love it too.

Then the next craziest thing I did was, 11 cups of chai a day. Does that sounds crazy? Yes but not to me as I was obsessed with a chai seller. Don't judge me as a flirt, but yes I love chai. For proof you can ask Vimal, as he knows how to tag me on every post related to chai. So back to the point,  whenever this guy who sells chai passes, I will buy a tea. And as he got used to it, he himself began to ask me, when I'm there like, " Apko chai  ".Hey what are you looking for, that's the end of the story.

Next comes Rakesh who made me cry watching ' Rab Ne Bana  Di Jodi' . Later he gave me a list of movies to watch. I'm always grateful to you bro, not only for a handful of good movies but also for the idea of writing out my mind like this. I hope you won't regret later๐Ÿ˜…. Also there was some crazy act,nothing but howling while the dark tunnel appears.๐Ÿ˜‚ wohooooooooooooooo. We enjoyed that so much. What could not be howled out on any other occasion was completely accomplished that day.

Another thing we did is sharing the list of crushes till then ๐Ÿ˜‚. I remember JK explaining the story. The only name I could remember is Pooja. Hope this blog won't force JK to beat me, as he is not in town right now.๐Ÿ˜Œ Also the trip made some new connections. I hope I would get the invitations early๐ŸŒ.

Also one pic still make me laugh. It's nothing but Anwin's pic with foreigners.I could not stop myself thinking of the mind voices of that guy, next to Anwin๐Ÿ˜‚. 

So about train, it was a quite different experience.To sleep I opted the lower berth as I was an early bird. My friends should have felt miserable, because as soon as I wake up I'll make them wake up too. I'm sorry,  but I love company ๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ™‚.

Speaking of this one night, the upper berth was taken by Avinash and the berth just below his  was mine. After everyone selected their berth, I started to be equipped to resist cold. My main weapon is monkey cap and to be frank I'm not at all afraid(or humiliated ๐Ÿ™‚) to wear it in public. Wait ! lemme wipe my tears. Okay so when he saw me, he started laughing. As he started laughing, my friends who was about to be slipped in to sleep made their look at me. Any way it doesn't matter, since it is a relief as I can be a reason for someone to smile.๐Ÿ™‚Smile is the secret of blah blahblahhhh.

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I hate middle berth. If you ask me why I can explain. One night I chose the middle berth for a change. A change is better right. I bet it wasn't that better. I was looking at my phone and when I felt sleepy I went to sleep. After sometime, I woke up suddenly and was looking for the phone near me. For a second I cursed my fate. Because, I thought that I lost it through the window. Waking in that shock, I forgot that there was an upper berth too and my head gently met the berth๐Ÿ™‚. But I am proud of myself. As I showed the presence of mind to keep the phone in the pocket before sleeping. Yeah I did it. I had my phone in my pocket. Proud moment haaah๐Ÿ˜Œ.

This trip taught some real friendship. When Johan's hand was in pain, her friends carried her luggage, gave her the  comfort in selecting the berth, even gave her food. Now I realize something that can be kept close to heart is college days. And all the friends are family without any blood relation. I'm really lucky to have all the 67 fellow friends in my class. I really miss those days.

Recollecting something from the visit to Taj Mahal, someone fell down ๐Ÿ˜‚ .Nazrin, if u don't mind I can affirm something. You are so lucky to fall in Taj Mahal, as you came to see the beauty of the construction even closer( from the base ).
Also I'm a bit lucky too. I even cried in Taj Mahal. What a beautiful and happier memory to recollect๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™ƒ. The only reason, one and only Adhitya(Pappadam). He is very lucky too as he got a chance to flew rubber band to my neck, at a historical place like Tajmahal, to make such a history๐Ÿคจ. Anyway what remained was the care and tension of Adheena๐Ÿ˜‚. 

I think it was at the Agra fort, where there emerged a great queen. (If the name of the fort is wrong do correct me) The great queen Meenu. When the breeze of the fort waved on Meenu, she had such a feeling that, she used to be the queen long back. Like if this current Meenu was a rebirth of the former queen. The moment we knew this, we started making stories. Like when each place comes we used to say, oh yes here meenu had the maids and they used to play. Oh here they used to make food. Oh then there here blah blah blah .
Then we got a shawl to cover queen Meenu from the harsh sunlight falling on her. It was Meenu at the center, then to the sides there were Nikhitha, Sakthi, Harsha and me. Also there were two soldiers Ananthu and Abhinand. Yes I still miss queen Meenu. 

It was Hariharadas who started 'Athe Athe' and it became a tradition if we say anything. He was good at throwing jokes like Chandler๐Ÿ˜‚.He nodded his head just like the person in vettam. The one who nodded his head to Dileep. 

The ride to desert was very very hot. The wind was giving more and more hot current. After traveling by the vehicle, we reached this place where a group of camels were waiting. And we were waiting for our turn to get one camel, climb on it and start the ride. I was a little scared of going up on the animal. My co-traveler on the camel was Sakthi. She was at the front and me behind her. The camel ride was a little scary to me.  The funny part is ( but we were too scared), the two of us started chanting hail mary in fear.
The journey was difficult for us, not to the camel.
The path was having stones, the sideways was occupied by thorns  of  cactus plant. It was scary to us. But the place was familiar to camel, so he took the ride so effortlessly. 

After taking a lot of pictures in the desert, the next thing to do was to go far to a place, where we can see the sunset. We ran to see, but the path was a bit scary, since the little tiny tiny thorn like bits of some plants began to get attracted to me. I think  the plants were waiting for this beautiful girl, to let her foot to be placed on their tiny tweaks. Anyway I was the girl. As I'm close to plants, they love me back to. Oh! my fate also fortune to be loved back by plants.I know it is rare. Okay I'll stop behaving like s.p. Okay don't shout! I can admit the truth๐Ÿ˜’. So it was not only me, but also everyone who went through the place, had this sticky tiny things on them. Okay I'll explain๐Ÿ˜’, it was not only me but all who went through them are loved back by the plants. That's enough ๐Ÿ˜’.

One thing I remember most about the trip is the night we spend in the desert. I will never forget that night in my life. That day many things happened. When we stepped out of the room we used to freshen up, I thought that we will be returning to room. But actually the plan was to stay in the desert. As I was unaware of that plan, I didn't took either my sweater, cap(monkey), medicine or I could say I didn't took anything except a scarf, phone and purse. 

Lately I realized that the return will be in next day morning. That day I was very much worried about the cold and my condition, if I'm not having a sweater. While I was worrying, Vismaya offered me her scarf. But I refused. And that night around the warmth of fire, we sat and shared things. The singer's from our class sang( Niki and Rep). There was this person who sang chaudary song. He sings very well. Then Aju sir shared the stories which 'he felt' funny. If any of my friends forgot what he said, for the  information, I can share them once more. The pushbutton story. And the one about Umarali sir about his dedication to get up early. 

And about the night, the natives of that place made food to us. It was live in front of us and we ate it. And there was this sad truth that, they used to wash the plates with sand because the water was scarce there. The guide we had there shared this story about that desert. When a ring was kept under cactus plant and when searched for it, they could find since it was unable to figure out blah blah blh.

They had brought thick mat like sheets, to lay and cover oneself from the cold. We placed them as close to each other and laid down staring at the sky. Honestly I would not have experienced this beauty of dark night, if I had missed  the opportunity to go to this place. It was magic. Night and sky appeared as a wonder  to me. The whole night,  just before the second  i slept, I could not stop thinking of the overwhelming happiness inside me. I don't know how to express. But I swear it was the best night best sky and the best memory. 

The talk we had,  the cold atmosphere, the wind that soothes the mind, everything, everything was so so beautiful. Sky is  always a mystery. It remembers something when you stare at it for long. Now I wish if I could experience the night one more time in my life. 
The next day morning when I  opened my eyes I saw the beautiful sky again .The sunrise... One of  the best .... no the best one I had, till today. The tea I got in the morning, oh god I loved it. I know I can't live without tea๐Ÿ˜Œ.Also Niki was very conscious about brushing while I had my tea already๐Ÿ˜‚ .The gentle warmth, embracing the cold envelop I had around, Oh God I want to have the day back. 

Eventhough this was great at one side, there was this side too. We had to pee in the middle of the desert in the back of a group of large plants. ๐Ÿ™‚ . The sad truth is my mom never knew this. Also I lied for another thing too. She asked if I had one medicine and I said yes. But actually the medicine was resting in my bag, in the room where I thought, we actually return that night.  Any way each situation that comes in life is a little reminder that, we can face anything, any obstacles or adverse situations that comes by. It is not a funny thing to say that, engineers are in every field. But we can be in anywhere, because we engineers are adaptable to any place. I wish if any of my interviewers understood this thing, especially when it comes to bank. They constantly keep asking why banking as you are an engineer. Hey sir the only valid answer is WE ARE ENGINEERS. Discussion end.



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